www.opensourcewebbook.com | ||
Open Source Web Development with LAMP Welcome to www.opensourcewebbook.com, the companion website to the book Open Source Web Development with LAMP. LAMP is an acronym for Linux / Apache / MySQL / (Perl | Python | PHP), the basic building blocks of developing websites with Open Source technologies. Linux is the operating system it all runs on. Apache is by far the most popular web server used on the internet today. MySQL is a powerful, easy to use SQL server that is very popular in web servers. Perl and PHP are two programming languages used to create dynamic websites, allowing the web developer to connect to a MySQL server and deliver up dynamic content. In Open Source Web Development with LAMP, we take a practical approach in discussing these topics, combining in a single book the most important aspects of each topic - enough information to evaluate whether or not LAMP is for you, and if so, how to hit the ground running.
SLASHDOT REVIEW Checkout the Slashdot review posted 11 Apr 2003. "Commissions" to go to EFF Yes, like Hacking Linux Exposed, "commissions" from booksellers will go to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. SAMPLE CHAPTER USERNAME/PASSWORD How to get a username/password to access the restricted areas of this website. NEWS WHY IE LOOKS FUNNY |