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In Open Source Web Development with LAMP, we refer to a lot of books. Here they are, in a somewhat (il)logical order. We suggest you go out and buy at least one copy of each of them.

Open Source Web Development with LAMP
by James Lee, Brent Ware
Addison Wesley ; ISBN: 020177061X

Our humble tome.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Hacking Linux Exposed, Second Edition
by Brian Hatch, James Lee
Paperback - 700 Pages (November, 2002)
Osborne/McGraw-Hill ; ISBN: 0072225645

A must have for Linux users interested in securing thier machines.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Building Linux Virtual Private Networks
by Oleg Kolesnikov, Brian Hatch
Paperback - 408 Pages (February, 2002)
New Riders Publishing; ISBN: 1578702666

A detailed look at Linux VPN technology, from choosing your software to step-by-step installation and configuration guides. Covers setups withSSH+PPP, SSL+PPP, IPSec (FreeS/WAN), PPTP, CIPE, VTun, and Tinc . See the for more details.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

The Hacker Ethic
by Pekka Himanen, Linus Torvalds, Manuel Castells
Paperback - 256 Pages (January, 2001)
Random House; ISBN: 0375505660

An in-depth study of the hacker ethic and its implications in society and business.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

UNIX System Administration Handbook (3rd Edition)
by Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Scott Seebass, Trent R. Hein
Paperback - 853 Pages (August, 2000)
Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0130206016

A must-have book on Unix Administration that covers Red Hat Linux.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

The Cathedral and the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary
by Eric S. Raymond, Bob Young
Paperback - 255 Pages (January 15, 2001)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 0596001088

An interesting read on the nature of Open Source, based on Eric Raymond's experience with the development of fetchmail.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary
by Linus Torvalds, David Diamond
Hardcover - 288 Pages (May, 2000)
HarperBusiness; ISBN: 0066620724

The biography of the creator of Linux that is a short, easy, and fun read.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World
by Bruce Schneier
Hardcover - 432 Pages (August, 2000)
John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471253111

Not a book on how to secure, but a book on how to think about security, and just how difficult it is to be truly secure. A must-read for just about anyone in this networked world.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Learning Red Hat Linux, 2nd Edition
by Bill McCarty
Paperback - 368 Pages (January, 2002)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 0596000715

Covers installing, configuring and using Red Hat 7.2.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

UNIX Power Tools, Third Edition
by Shelley Powers, Jerry Peek, Tim O'Reilly, Mike Loukides
Paperback - 1200 Pages (October, 2002)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 0596003307

All the tricks, and over 1000 pages!

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

LINUX in A Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference (3rd Edition)
by Ellen Siever, Jessica P. Hekman, Stephen Figgins, Stephen Spainhour
Paperback - 797 Pages (January, 2000)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 0596000251

A good reference for all things Linux.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Running Linux, Fourth Edition
by Matt Welsh, Lar Kaufman, Matthias K. Dalheimer, Terry Dawson
Paperback - 750 Pages (December, 2002)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 0596002726

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Linux Apache Web Server Administration
by Charles Aulds
Paperback - 614 Pages (November, 2000)
Sybex; ISBN: 0782127347

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Apache Desktop Reference
by Ralf S. Engelschall
Paperback - 208 Pages (December, 2000)
Addison Wesley Professional; ISBN: 0201604701

An Apache reference written by the author of WML.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Apache: the Definitive Guide
by Ben Laurie, Peter Laurie, Robert Denn
Paperback - 369 Pages (May, 1999)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 1565925289

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

How to Set-Up and Maintain a Web Site
by Lincoln D. Stein
Paperback - 793 Pages (January, 1997)
Addison Wesley; ISBN: 0201634627

One of the best books written about the setting up a website. I is a bit dated, but it is still relevant.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Professional Apache
by Peter Wainwright
Paperback - 800 Pages (November, 1999)
Wrox Press; ISBN: 1861003021

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HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, Fifth Edition
by Chuck Musciano, Bill Kennedy
Paperback - 645 Pages (August, 2002)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 059600382X

A detailed discussion of HTML and XHTML.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

HTML Pocket Reference (2nd Edition)
by Jennifer Niederst
Paperback - 104 Pages (January, 2002)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 0596002963

A handy pocket reference full of HTML information.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Raggett on HTML 4 (2nd Edition)
by Dave Raggett Jenny Lam Ian Alexander, Michael Kmiec
Paperback - 437 Pages (December, 1997)
Addison-Wesley; ISBN: 0201178052

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Perl Cookbook
by Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington
Paperback - 794 Pages (August, 1998)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 1565922433

A book full of Perl recipes to solve many different types of problems.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Object Oriented Perl
by Damian Conway
Paperback - 490 Pages (August, 1999)
Manning Publications; ISBN: 1884777791

A must-have book discussing Object Oriented Programming with Perl. If you are doing any OOP in Perl, get this book.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Mastering Regular Expressions, Second Edition
by Jeffrey, E. F. Friedl
Paperback - 496 Pages (July, 2002)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 0596002890

An excellent book on a complex topic.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Effective Perl Programming: Writing Better Programs With Perl
by Joseph N. Hall
Paperback - 288 Pages (December, 1997)
Addison-Wesley; ISBN: 0201419750

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Perl Power!: A JumpStart Guide to Programming with Perl 5
by Michael Schilli
Paperback - 464 Pages (December, 1998)
Addison-Wesley; ISBN: 0201360683

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Learning Perl, Third Edition
by Randal L. Schwartz, Tom Phoenix
Paperback - 316 Pages (July, 2001)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 0596001320

An excellent introduction to Perl.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Network Programming with Perl
by Lincoln D. Stein
Paperback - 576 Pages (December, 2000)
Addison-Wesley; ISBN: 0201615711

If you want to do network programming with Perl, get this book.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Programming Perl (3rd Edition)
by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, Jon Orwant
Paperback - 1092 Pages (July, 2000)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 0596000278

The bible, Larry Wall version. Read it, study it, grok it.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

by Paul DuBois, Michael Widenius
Paperback - 756 Pages (December, 1999)
New Riders Publishing; ISBN: 0735709211

Covers MySQL for the newbie and the experienced user.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

MySQL and mSQL
by Randy Jay Yarger, Randy Jay Yarger, George Reese, Tim King
Paperback - 487 Pages (August, 1999)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 1565924347

Covers MySQL for the newbie and the experienced user.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

CGI Programming with Perl
by Scott Guelich, Shishir Gundavaram, Gunther Birznieks, Linda Mui
Paperback - 451 Pages (January, 2000)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 1565924193

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Writing CGI Applications with Perl
by Kevin Meltzer, Brent Michalski
Paperback - 528 Pages (February, 2001)
Addison-Wesley Pub Co; ISBN: 0201710145

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Official Guide to Programming With Cgi.Pm
by Lincoln Stein
Paperback - 320 Pages (April, 1998)
John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471247448

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C
by Lincoln Stein, Doug MacEachern
Paperback - 724 Pages (March, 1999)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 156592567X

All the details of writing mod_perl programs.

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid; 20th Anniversary Edition
by Douglas R. Hofstadter
Paperback - 777 Pages (Janurary, 1999)
Basic Books; ISBN: 0465026567

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

Embedding Perl in HTML With Mason
by Dave Rolsky, Ken Williams
Paperback - 318 Pages (October, 2002)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 0596002254

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Core PHP Programming: Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites (2nd Edition)
by Leon Atkinson
Paperback - 768 Pages (August, 2000)
Prentice Hall PTR; ISBN: 0130893986

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

MySQL/PHP Database Applications
by Jay Greenspan, Brad Bulger
Paperback - 596 Pages (December, 2002)
John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0764535374

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Beginning PHP4
by Chris Lea, Wankyu Choi, Allan Kent, Ganesh Prasad, Chris Ullman
Paperback - 800 Pages (October, 2000)
Wrox Press Inc; ISBN: 1861003730

Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion 

PHP Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition
by Rasmus Lerdorf
Paperback - 144 Pages (November, 2002)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 0596004028

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PHP Fast & Easy Web Development, 2nd Edition
by Julie C. Meloni
Paperback - 504 Pages (August, 2002)
Premier Press; ISBN: 193184187X

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PHP and MySQL Web Development
by Luke Welling, Laura Thomson
Paperback - 896 Pages (March, 2001)
Sams; ISBN: 0672317842

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